The ships of the desert

Dromedary or Arabian camel (camélius dromedarius) is a species of mammal
of the camelid family. It is not uncommon to call a camel, a dromedary.
Similar biological, some see them as two regional varieties,
rather than as two species. The fetus develops in the two-humped camel during gestation that blend into one, shortly before birth.
The dromedary camel has one hump. If the dromedary is not always a camel, the camel, however, is still a one-humped camel.
In some areas, the camel is in the state of camel.

The female dromedary camel is a camel and small.
The term camel is from the Greek word drome, which means runner.
The camel lives up to 25 years and it can stay 3-8 days without water.
The camel can take a month. It provides services to men especially nomads who exploit for his productions of work, leather, milk and meat.
Transporting equipment, it enables man to last in desert environments.
It was used for military purposes for the warrior charges into battle or
transportation. The dromedary camel is valued as riding.
In some countries, races take place: Moussems and meetings.

A general physiology entirely focused on the adaptation of the desert.
The camel to a foot wide and elastic, suitable for walking on sandy soils.
The hump of the camel is not a reserve of water, but energy.
The hump is a mass of white fat, which can exceed 100 kg.
This prevents the spread localized accumulation of fat in the subcutaneous region in other parts of the body. This also affects thermoregulation.
The animal cools better because it is less fatty. It is the only animal able to turn fat into water by physiological reactions of oxidation.

                          The touring thoroughbred Berber is the camel trek!

Although the horse is a prestige of the kingdom, the camel will remain forever,
King of the desert for all and all the Berber nomads.
Discover the true face of Morocco, camel trekking in the adventures of the atlas.


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