Restoration berber

History of tea: The tea is used by Berber China green tea, whose leaves are curled appearance almost sorted then rolled in the shape of''gunpowder.''This green tea is enhanced with fresh mint leaves. This mixture is very refreshing to taste very hot and enjoys sweet.

The tea of hospitality, The desert nomads offer green tea with mint to passing visitors as a ritual: three successive infusions are served in small glasses of sweeter than bitter. All three teas symbolize life, love and death.
The first fort was sweet as youth and love.
The 2nd is smooth and balanced as an adult and life.
The 3rd is bitter as old age and death. Pour the tea into a glass, raising and lowering the teapot to the lather. The tea may be associated with most dishes.

Breakfast: tea, coffee, milk, orange juice, bread and cakes Moroccan called "msmn" are our breakfast that we can complete with boiled eggs or flat.

The tagines are clay vessels with lids conical. It simmers and Moroccan dishes, made with stewed vegetables mixed with meat, poultry or fish.

Couscous: Flat typically Berber designating the spherical granules obtained by agglomeration of fine semolina, medium or large. There is also the couscous made ??with barley, cornmeal so that the Berbers call Timzine and Badez. Couscous is called taam, a term used by the Arabic language which means food. At first, without meat, with or without today, sweet or salty.
Harira: soup Moroccan and West of Algeria consists of legumes, onions and meat.
During the month of Ramadan, it is traditionally the dish of breaking the fast. It is then accompanied by dates, hard-boiled eggs, pancakes with honey, pastries. It can also be accompanied by lemon slices.
Harira is prepared by cooking together in the water, the following ingredients to choose from (only pulses, meat and onions are imperative).

Mechoui is a staple whole sheep, at events in groups. 
Grilled the way Berber, Berber barbecue animates the evening under the stars in the south of the Atlas and the Sahara.

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