
The beard: Especially in the territories Moroccans and Algerians,
the beard has been a net contribution Arab blood en Tunisia and Libya.
Thus, the Libyan beard have a faster pace than the Maghreb Barbe
West. He entered Spain for the Moorish invasion, until the 18th.

It was widely exported through the port of Tangier to Europe for its robustness,
his calm temperament and frugality, it was used by the Spahis,
in the French cavalry. It is partly the cause of the Andalusian horse.

It is very much used to the trek hiking and riding horses.
Gentle and courageous, less generous in the effort, it is more enduring than Arabic.

The Arab horses are divided into three groups: Arabic, walkers and horses from the beard and the Andalusian horses associated with Soviet.
This group brings together horses generally straight profile, with good athletic ability to exercise at a gallop. used in racing or sport riding. Arabic is generally obedient, even if the integers have their strong character without being dangerous, if they are properly installed and treated. Strong and sober, he is able to long trek.
He is generous. This is an excellent companion horse trek,
for those who control the reins of the atlas.

The Arabian horse: Arabic is a race that has origins dating back to the primitive horse domesticated flat forehead near the Caspian during the fourth millennium BC.
His farm has dévelloppé in the Middle East and the Arabian Peninsula. In ancient times, Arabic was the companion of semi-nomadic Bedouin populations of these regions.
Historically, the selection of this horse and its value in Arab cultures are attested by the precepts of the Koran. Muhammad, like the horse is a duty, it is a luxury and the animal is a gift of the creator.
The selection of Arabic was done through the ages from certain purity criteria.

Our horses: Horses are mostly Aventurberbère Arab beards.


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